How To Get a Good Night Sleep and Wake Up Refreshed?

round white ceramic bowl with breakfast print

Sleep deprivation and morning fatigue are two common issues that adversely affect lifestyle. Poor sleeping routine clearly shows itself and tends to occur due to factors like irregular bedtime routines, mental stress, screen time, etc. People often complain about lethargy right after getting up from bed, even after having supposedly adequate sleep hours.

Sleep inertia is typical; it is the time we take to feel energetic after waking up. However, if it persists for too long, then you need to figure out the reasons and their solutions. Certain natural strategies, such as exercise, meditation, and gummies with melatonin, can improve sleep hygiene and mental sharpness in the morning. In this article, learn more about how to wake up refreshed and experience high cognition throughout the day.

How to Feel Rested in the Morning?

Waking up with an exhausted mind and body may make your whole day dull and unproductive. Here are some practical tips for coping with sleep issues and after-awake tiredness. 

  1. Take Enough Liquids

Dehydration is one reason for early morning fatigue. When you wake up after adequate sleep hours, you need to consume water first. Why? Our body loses different electrolytes or other fluids during the night, and in return, we do not take any liquid. This results in dehydration and causes lethargy when you wake up. 

So, it is highly recommended that you have plenty of drinks before breakfast. This will improve the performance of your body muscles, resulting in better cognition and clarity. 

  1. Meditation

Meditation is the most potent activity if you want to wake up energized. It also acts as a remedy for sleep and mental disorders. Regular meditation relaxes the mind, preparing it for sleep at night. You may make this session more productive by performing it with lavender aromatherapy. It helps in having a deep meditation session. 

Likewise, performing meditation at the start of the day helps you concentrate better and improves your efficiency. You remain calm in stressful situations and deliver extraordinary results. 

  1. Natural Supplements

Certain supplements are helpful in sleep hygiene, such as offering melatonin in specific dosages. They relax the mind, which results in falling asleep quickly. Just like sleep gummies, there are focus supplements that are recommended for people who are facing sluggishness in the money. 

By taking them after breakfast, you will feel a high energy level and more stamina because they provide essential vitamins, calcium, iron, etc. However, all such dietary supplements are good to take only when prescribed by a medical health provider. 

  1. Light Exposure

In the morning, right after waking up, turn on the lights to signal the brain about the day’s start. It is best to go for an outside walk for great sunlight exposure. This simple step overcomes laziness, enabling you to achieve mental alertness. Moreover, it also helps regulate the sleep cycle and makes you feel sleepy at night. 

Things to Avoid to Feel Rested After Sleep

The following are some important things you need to avoid with the aim of having a sound sleep and a fresh morning afterward:

  • Avoid having an irregular sleep routine, as it can disturb the body’s natural day and night cycle. 
  • Avoid caffeine at night as it results in alertness and causes more time to fall asleep.
  • Avoid eating late at night or consuming high sugar intake as this results in restlessness.
  • Don’t snooze the clock; get up when your alarm rings the first time in the morning.   

Bottom Line

Human health is highly dependent on a proper sleep routine and adequate sleep hours without interruptions. Moreover, healthy eating habits with natural supplements, meditation, proper hydration, etc., reduce morning fatigue. They make you wake up fresh and with greater motivation to pursue your life goals.

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