What Religion Is Albania: Religious Landscape of Albania

Albania is a country with a rich and diverse religious history. Nestled in the Balkan Peninsula, it has seen various religious influences over the centuries, from paganism to Christianity and Islam. Today, Albania is a secular state with no official religion, but its population is a mosaic of different faiths. This article explores the religious landscape of Albania, providing insights into its historical and contemporary religious affiliations.

What Religion Is Albania?

Albania’s religious history dates back to ancient times when the region was influenced by Roman and Byzantine rule. During this period, Christianity spread throughout the region.

PeriodDominant ReligionKey Influences
Ancient TimesPaganismLocal tribes, Roman Empire
Medieval TimesChristianity (Orthodox)Byzantine Empire

Ottoman Period

The Ottoman Empire’s conquest in the 15th century brought significant changes to Albania’s religious landscape, introducing Islam to the region.

PeriodDominant ReligionKey Influences
15th-19th CenturyIslam (Sunni and Bektashi)Ottoman Empire

Contemporary Religious Landscape

Current Demographics

According to recent data, Albania is predominantly Muslim, with a significant Christian minority and a growing number of people identifying as irreligious.

ReligionPercentage of Population

Islam in Albania

Sunni Islam

Sunni Islam is the largest religious group in Albania. Many Sunni Muslims in Albania follow the Hanafi school of thought.

Bektashi Order

The Bektashi Order is a Sufi order with a significant presence in Albania. It is known for its liberal interpretation of Islam and plays a unique role in the country’s religious landscape.

Islamic DenominationCharacteristics
Sunni IslamMainstream Islam, Hanafi school
Bektashi OrderSufi order, liberal interpretation

Christianity in Albania

Orthodox Christianity

The Albanian Orthodox Church is an autocephalous church that plays an important role in the religious life of Albanian Christians.


Catholicism has a historical presence in northern Albania, and the country has produced notable Catholic figures like Mother Teresa.

Christian DenominationCharacteristics
Orthodox ChristianityAutocephalous church, strong tradition
CatholicismHistorical presence, notable figures

SERP Questions

What Is the Main Religion in Albania?

Islam is the main religion in Albania, with a majority of the population identifying as Muslims, primarily Sunni, and Bektashi.

How Many Christians Are There in Albania?

Christians make up about 17% of Albania’s population, divided mainly between Orthodox and Catholic Christians.

What Are the Main Religious Holidays in Albania?

Albania celebrates various religious holidays, including Islamic festivals like Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, and Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter.

How Did Religion Change in Albania After Communism?

After the fall of communism in 1991, Albania saw a resurgence in religious freedom, with people openly practicing their faiths after decades of state atheism.

Are There Any Religious Conflicts in Albania?

Albania is known for its religious tolerance and harmony, with minimal religious conflicts despite its diverse religious landscape.


Albania’s religious landscape is a testament to its rich history and cultural diversity. From ancient paganism to the introduction of Christianity and the significant influence of Islam during the Ottoman period, Albania has seen a dynamic religious evolution. Today, the country is a secular state with no official religion, where Islam, Christianity, and irreligion coexist peacefully. The majority of Albanians are Muslims, with Sunni and Bektashi being the most prominent groups.

Christianity also holds a significant place, with both Orthodox and Catholic communities contributing to the nation’s religious mosaic. Despite the challenges faced during the communist era, Albania has emerged as a model of religious tolerance and freedom. Understanding the religious composition of Albania provides valuable insights into its cultural identity and social cohesion.


What percentage of Albanians are Muslim?

Approximately 58.79% of Albanians identify as Muslim.

Is Albania a secular country?

Yes, Albania is a secular country with no official religion.

How did communism affect religion in Albania?

During the communist era, Albania declared itself the world’s first atheist state, suppressing religious practices and institutions. However, religious freedom was restored after the fall of communism in 1991.

What is the Bektashi Order?

The Bektashi Order is a Sufi order with a significant presence in Albania, known for its liberal interpretation of Islam.

Are there any notable religious figures from Albania?

Yes, Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun known for her humanitarian work, is one of the most notable religious figures from Albania.

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